Document Tools

Tools for generating citations and references

What is CiteThisForMe?

CiteThisForMe is an online citation and bibliography management tool designed to help students, researchers, and professionals accurately reference their sources. With support for a wide range of citation styles, including APA, MLA, Chicago, and Harvard, CiteThisForMe simplifies the process of creating and managing citations. The tool is accessible via web browsers and offers both free and premium versions, making it a versatile resource for anyone needing to organize their references efficiently.

Key Features

  1. Multiple Citation Styles: CiteThisForMe supports a variety of citation styles, including APA, MLA, Chicago, Harvard, and more, catering to different academic and professional requirements.
  2. Automatic Citation Generator: The tool allows users to generate citations automatically by entering information about their sources, saving time and ensuring accuracy.
  3. Bibliography Management: Users can create, manage, and organize their bibliographies, making it easy to keep track of all references in one place.
  4. Plagiarism Checker: The premium version offers a plagiarism checker that helps users ensure their work is original and properly cited.
  5. Browser Extension: CiteThisForMe provides a browser extension that enables users to generate citations directly from web pages, streamlining the research process.
  6. Export Options: Users can export their citations and bibliographies to various formats, including Word and PDF, facilitating easy integration into academic papers and reports.
  7. Collaboration Features: The tool supports collaboration, allowing multiple users to work on the same bibliography, which is particularly useful for group projects.
  8. Mobile-Friendly: The mobile version of CiteThisForMe allows users to create and manage citations on the go, ensuring flexibility and convenience.

What Makes CiteThisForMe Unique?

CiteThisForMe stands out for its:

  • Ease of Use: The tool's user-friendly interface makes it accessible for users of all skill levels, from students to seasoned researchers.
  • Comprehensive Citation Support: With a wide range of supported citation styles, CiteThisForMe meets diverse academic and professional needs.
  • Automatic and Accurate Citations: The automatic citation generator ensures accuracy, helping users avoid common citation errors.

Pros and Cons


  • Supports multiple citation styles.
  • Automatic citation generation saves time.
  • Comprehensive bibliography management.
  • Browser extension for easy web citations.
  • Mobile-friendly for on-the-go use.
  • Plagiarism checker in the premium version.
  • Collaboration features for group projects.


  • Free version has limited features compared to the premium version.
  • Plagiarism checker is only available in the premium version.
  • May require manual adjustments for certain sources.

Who is CiteThisForMe For?

CiteThisForMe is ideal for:

  • Students: Creating accurate citations and bibliographies for essays, research papers, and assignments.
  • Researchers: Managing references for academic papers, theses, and dissertations.
  • Professionals: Organizing citations for reports, articles, and publications.
  • Educators: Assisting students with proper citation practices and avoiding plagiarism.
  • Anyone Needing Accurate Citations: Ensuring that all sources are properly referenced in any written work.

Use Cases for CiteThisForMe

  • Academic Writing: Creating and managing citations for essays, research papers, and theses to ensure academic integrity.
  • Research Projects: Organizing and keeping track of references for extensive research projects and literature reviews.
  • Publishing Articles: Managing citations for articles intended for publication in journals or online platforms.
  • Collaborative Work: Facilitating group projects by allowing multiple users to contribute to a shared bibliography.
  • Preventing Plagiarism: Using the plagiarism checker to ensure originality and proper citation of all sources.

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